Defenition : Test,measurement,evaluation,assessment,infomal and formal assessment,formative and summative assessment

Defenition : Test,measurement,evaluation,assessment,informal and formal assessment,formative and summative assessment
1. Test
The test is a method or tool for conducting investigations that uses questions,questions or other tasks where the problems or questions have been carefully chosen and have been standardiezed (Bimo Walgito,1987:87)
According to Riduwan (2006:37) test as data collection instruments are a series of questions / exercises used to measure the skills of knowladge,intelligence,abilities or talents of an individual / group.
2.  Measurement
Cangelosi, James S. (1995), measurement is an empirical data collection process that is used to gather information that is relevant to its intended purpose.
Sridadi (2007), measurement is a process carried out systematically to obtain the quantitative quantities of a particular object by uing standard measuring tools.
3. Evaluation
Evaluation is a process of determining the value of a thing or object based on certain references to determine certain goals.
4. Assessment
According to (Suchman,1961) Assessment is a process of determining the results achieved by several activities planned to support the achievement of objectives.
According to (Worthen and Sanders,1973) Assessment is an activity to find something valuable about something; in looking for something,also includes searching for information  that is useful in assessing the existence of a program,production,procedures,and alternative strategies proposed to achieve predetermined goals.
5. Informal and formal assessment
Informal assessment is an asessment made and developed by teachers based on aspects of development or curriculum related to children’s learning abilities.
Formal assessment is an information gathering technique designed to identify and rocord student’s knowledge and skills.
6. Formative and summative assessment
Formative assessment is an assessment conducted to obtain information about the learning process that has been done.
The summative assessment refers to the participant’s assessment,and summarizes their development at a particular time.


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