
Showing posts from February, 2020

Defenition : Test,measurement,evaluation,assessment,infomal and formal assessment,formative and summative assessment

Defenition : Test,measurement,evaluation,assessment,informal and formal assessment,formative and summative assessment 1. Test The test is a method or tool for conducting investigations that uses questions,questions or other tasks where the problems or questions have been carefully chosen and have been standardiezed (Bimo Walgito,1987:87) According to Riduwan (2006:37) test as data collection instruments are a series of questions / exercises used to measure the skills of knowladge,intelligence,abilities or talents of an individual / group. 2.  Measurement Cangelosi, James S. (1995), measurement is an empirical data collection process that is used to gather information that is relevant to its intended purpose. Sridadi (2007), measurement is a process carried out systematically to obtain the quantitative quantities of a particular object by uing standard measuring tools. 3. Evaluation Evaluation is a process of determining the value of a thing or object based on certain referen