Summary "Assessing Reading and Assessing Writing"
Nama: Umi Kalsum Ilham NPM: 03061811022 Class: A/IV Subject: Language Assessment Summary 14 ASSESSING READING Even as we are bombarded with an unending supply of visual and auditory n1edia, the written word continues in its function to convey information, to amuse and entertain us, to codify' our social, economic, and legal conventions, and -to fulfill a host of other functions. In literate societies, most "normal" children learn to read by the age of five or six, and some even earlier. With the exception of a small number of people with learning disabilities, reading is a skill that is taken for granted. In foreign language learnig, reading is likewise a skill that teachers simply expect learners to acquire. Basic, beginning-level textbooks in a foreign language presuppose a student's reading ability ifonly because it's a book that is the medium. Most formal tests use the written word' as a stimulus for test-taker response; even oral interviews may require re...